Tuesday, August 12, 2014

First Week with Opie :)

It is crazy how fast a week has flown by! Opie and I have been doing a lot of bonding and have come a long way! "Step Up" is now mastered, and we are getting much better with "Gentle Beak" also! Opie will let me give him scritches in his cage, and will happily come to me and step up in his cage, but as soon as I try to remove him, he gets nervous. He will happily sit on his play stand (if there is millet attached), for about 5-10 mins, then flys back to his cage. He will sit on me for a few minutes at a time, before trying to fly back to his cage.

I was given some great advice a few days ago, which was to work with him in the bathroom. It is a safe room (once the mirror is covered), and there are little places to fly, or distractions. He also can not see his cage, so there is no temptation to fly back to it. We have had two sessions in there and did really well! Opie learned about my shoulder, and really seems to like to snuggle into my neck now :)

Another thing I am happy to report, is that he is doing really well with trying new foods, and eating in general for that matter! He is no longer only munching on millet, but mainly eating his seed (Volkman's Parrotlet Mix), and pellets (Roudybush crumbles) which are mixed in. He is also willing to at least taste any food I offer him as long as I hand feed it to him. He really seems to like his chop, especially the broccoli, carrots, and quinoa. He also LOVES his birdy bread, so that is mainly offered as a treat. He seemed to like the diced apples the best as far as fruit goes, but did also try banana, strawberries, and grapes. I am really hoping he will be a good eater! I offer 3 meals of fresh foods/day and only leave them in the cage for an hour or so each. The seed/pellet mix is available all day, and the millet only when out of the cage as incentive.

All in all I am so happy with the progress we have made! I can't wait to continue to bond and become better friends with my little Bitty Birdy! I will end with a cute picture, because who doesn't like a cute picture! :)

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